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Product Name: Din-Home Custom Web Sites, Hosting Services terms of service and privacy policies.

Url: maisondin.ca

DIN-HOME custom web site templates and examples:

Maison-Din-Home, Produits Miason Din Home Products
Terms of Service & Privacy Policies

Produits Miason Din Home Products is a Federally and Provincially registered company. All of our employees and trades workers hold diplomas and are fully qualified programmers and or website developers. Our team is highly skilled, and reminded daily of the risks involved in developing a website with false or plagiarized content.

Produits Miason Din Home Products Terms of Service:
All of our online presentations, marketing content, graphics, and trademarks are custom designed and registered under Produits Maison Din Home Products, and or borrowed in a form of lend, or lending intellectual property to a third party for a period of time, and as agreed upon during the time of purchase. images, text, and trademarks or any other related content maybe supplied by third parties and is used or supplied to Produits Miason Din Home Products within the terms of services defined and agreed upon between the parties and for the specific use.

Any content used on line for marketing purposes and or publicity is declared non-confidential under Federal and Provincial laws of Canada, and any trademarks or intellectual property must be registered accordingly. Produits Maison Din Home Products provides services for online marketing, digital content, print content and registers all intellectual property under Produits Maison Din Home Products, and with lending or third party leasing.

Produits Miason Din Home Products & Licenses Agreements Din-Home TM, Produits Maison-Din-Home Products, and is a licensed Trademark, and registered in the Federal database in the country of Canada. The www.maisondin.ca website is designed, and hosted through Produits Maison Din Home Products. All images are the property of Produits Maison Din Home Products, and or Maison-Din-Home, and or were made available under the Pixabay License, and Creative Commons global non-profit organization.

Produits Miason Din Home Products, Maison-Din-Home and www.MaisonDin.ca does not allow:

a. Unlicensed distribution practices, on line, print and or without permission.

b. Verbal or discriminatory abuse internally, online, or from third party members.

c. Unauthorized use of any intellectual property owned by Produits Maison Din Home Products.

Produits Maison Din Home Products Terms of Services Agreement:
Any agreements formed, and agreed upon between parties and between Maison-Din-Home, Produits Maison Din Home Products, remain valid, and valid within the terms of the Civil Code of Quebec and any other codes of law that may apply. Quoted below from the Civil Code.

Updated to October 1 2016, This document has official status.
The Civil Code, in harmony with the Charter of human rights and freedoms (chapter C-12) and the general principles of law, governs persons, relations between persons, and property. The Civil Code comprises a body of rules which, in all matters within the letter, spirit or object of its provisions, lays down the jus commune, expressly or by implication. In these matters, the Code is the foundation of all other laws, 1 although other laws may complement the Code or make exceptions to it.

Maison-Din-Home, Produits Maison Din Home Products Terms of Service Agreement Specified:
Consultation, company consultation and design services, mediation and any extra third party or client requests can be requested, and in writing or within the terms of the third party as requested and charged on an hourly basis, or as an internal employee, within the terms of the third company and in accordance to any applicable Federal and Provincial laws of the country, state, or province in which the business is conducted in.

Maison-Din-Home, Produits Maison Din Home Products Privacy Policy:
• CONTACT: For more information about our privacy policies please email us at: web@dinhome.ca

• COLLECTION: Maison-Din-Home, Produits Maison Din Home Products, collects and gathers the specific information that is relevant to any specific project or projects, and upon the client’s request, verbally or written and in accordance to the Federal and Provincial laws, for development purposes, or consultation.

• EXERCISE: Any information collected by Maison-Din-Home, Produits Maison Din Home Products, is kept strictly confidential, and used only to conduct research and or development for the clients benefit.

• DISCLOSURE: All information gathered by Maison-Din-Home, Produits Maison Din Home Products will be presented strictly to individuals, third party members that are related to the project, and or to the specific project’s scope.

• RETENTION: Maison-Din-Home, Produits Maison Din Home Products cannot be held responsible for any lost, closed or abandoned property information, or unless otherwise previously stipulated.

• ACCESS: A client with an open file at Maison-Din-Home, Produits Maison Din Home Products may request a copy of any pertinent information related to their file and at any time. This includes filing and registering fees, applicable fees may be applied.

• RESPONSABILITY: Maison-Din-Home, Produits Maison Din Home Products registers content, and is not responsible for any fee changes, price augmentations, or market value changes. All prices and leases are subject to renegotiation on a yearly basis and or upon contract renegotiation when applicable.

• REGISTRATION: Produits Maison Din Home Products is not responsible for any late payments, file abandonment, and late deemed abandoned filing. Can not be held responsible for any trademark, design, or patent not acquired, or intellectual property that is already available to the public, and or used by third parties, or has already been made available to the public prior to registering. Registration and successful registration of all intellectual property is applicable only to intellectual property deemed, “similar but not the same,” and deemed so by Federal and Provincial courts of law and the deemed body of examiners. For consultation upon this matter contact Produits Maison Din Home Products by email at info@dinhome.ca

Covid 19 Due to the Covid 19 pandemic and in accordance to provincial and federal requirements we have implemented safety measures to keep our clients and employees safe and help to keep the Covid 19 virus under control.

For more information concerning Maison-Din-Home, Produits Maison Din Home Products please contact us directly by email at: web@dinhome.ca

Maison-Din-Home, Produits Maison Din Home Products

Din-Home Web Site and Hosting Services:

DIN-HOME Hosting Services are located in Canada and the United States. For more specific information concerning Web Site Hosting, or general information please contact us through the following email at your convenience.

Contact: Marketing Development at web@dinhome.ca